Register your Pet Michrochip here:

To start a transfer or registration, enter the MicroChip number in the box below and follow the options on screen. 

Enter the MicroChip number to get started:

To register and update a pet's microchip in India with the ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) specifications, follow these steps:

Get an ICAR-approved microchip: Ensure that the microchip you are using for your pet is compliant with the ICAR specifications. ICAR has approved several microchip models that meet their standards. Check with your veterinarian or a reliable pet supplier to obtain an ICAR-approved microchip.

Here is a list of common MicroChip formats so that you know what to look for:

  • 15-digit number = for example 977200000000000
  • 10-digit number – for example 111111112A
  • 9/13-digit number – for example AVID*012*345*378
The MicroChip number will often be listed under a barcode on official paperwork. The number may also have references to ISO, FDXA, FDXB, FECAVA.

Choose an authorized registrar: ICAR has authorized certain organizations to register and update pet microchips. Look for a registrar that is recognized by ICAR. You can find a list of authorized registrars on the ICAR website or by contacting ICAR directly.

Visit the authorized registrar: Take your pet and the ICAR-approved microchip to the authorized registrar's office. They will have the necessary equipment and expertise to complete the registration process.

Provide required information: At the registrar's office, you will be asked to provide specific information about your pet. This typically includes your contact details, pet's name, breed, age, color, and any distinguishing features. Make sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Microchip insertion: If your pet doesn't have a microchip yet, the registrar will insert the ICAR-approved microchip. This is a quick and relatively painless procedure where the microchip is injected under the pet's skin, usually between the shoulder blades.

Registration documentation: The registrar will provide you with the necessary registration documents, which may include a certificate and an identification card. Keep these documents safe, as they serve as proof of your pet's microchip registration.

Update pet's information: If there are any changes to your pet's information, such as a change in your contact details or if your pet moves to a new address, inform the authorized registrar. They will update the information in their database, ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.

Remember to keep your pet's microchip registration details up to date, as it plays a crucial role in reuniting lost pets with their owners.